I was randomly standing around in IM as I often am, when a disembodied voice asked for some fashion advice. At first I suspected it was my self esteem, so I looked around near the floor, but before I could start to panic that maybe it had actually sunk
below floor level, the owner of the voice announced himself as Santo, in need of sartorial tips.
His profile suggested he was male (although it's best never to assume in SL), but soon we established he was seeking classy female fashion "for a friend", so I was on home turf and, having checked how much time he had to spare, I began to reel off a list of my favorite stores and designers.
His gratitude was disproportionate, as there is truly nothing I like better than to spout on this topic. In an NPIRL moment to cherish, this guy actually
gave me a house! Thanks again, Santo - it's a beauty!
Coincidently I've been having some yearnings recently to put down SL roots and this spectacular act of generosity sent me straight to the Land Sale search, from whence I tp'd around to several likely parcels, initially with a sense of considerable excitement.

But as the waves lapped onto yet another pristine shore and the birdsong and rock outcrops felt eerily familiar, a sense of overwhelming ennuie washed over me. Sure, there were neighbouring homes, but my attempts at camming revealed unfurnished and soulless shells, littered with a few dusty pose-balls and it dawned upon me that the novelty of this could wear off pretty darn fast. One more check of the weekly tier fees and I was scampering back to my usual haunts feeling thoroughly disheartened.

I'd love it if someone could tell me where there is a place that might feel a little more like being part of a community - ie. where actual SL residents live and spend some time (although obviously with the provision for some privacy). This is all new to me, so I'm seeking recommendations.
One of the things I love best about SL is the ability to scoot around and soak in the atmosphere of lots of different places, so I'm still wondering whether I'm destined to ever have a "home patch".
Would love to hear your thoughts, advice, personal experience on this one if you have time.