The official Linden Lab stats tell us that the average age of a Second Lifer is 33, with around 40% in the 25-35 age range. That makes a hell of a lot of us Gen X'ers.
Some of the keywords for this generation are Authenticity, Connection, Community. So there's a finely-tuned Bullshit Radar in-built.
Out shopping in-world yesterday, it occurred to me that my own BS radar sends me the strongest signals in those places where the virtual retail environment is trying to mimic a real world store or mall of the most ostentatious kind - towering marble columns; acres of sleek glass; neutral decor; massive vendor boards featuring lithe and immaculately air-brushed avies; beautiful, aloof staff. (Just as an example, I remember a number of my friends expressing considerable disappointment at the opening of the Armidi build that it was rather "soulless").
By contrast, after shopping at Starlust plus a couple other fun places yesterday I was feeling more like I'd been on safari! I really relished all the elements of the experience that were the furthest away from those you could have if out shopping in the real world.
However, I have to confess that I got entirely distracted from the actual business of buying and spent not a single Linden! I must admit, although I do try to avoid going to those more corporate-feeling stores, at least when I do, I'm on a mission to BUY and much less likely to be distracted (unless it's by the usually large amounts of bling that are present). Maybe that's the whole idea and I just got sucked in! Time to get the radar serviced?

Thankful for a comfy toadstool to rest up after shopping all three of the eclectic mini-stores at Pochette. (The sim name is Discord Nightmare City .... obviously!?)

Over to Starlust, recently "extended with natural enhancements". It's a visual feast!

Here, the BBBM store is an underwater labyrinth! "Wait a few minutes before fishin.......huh?"

Customer Attacked by Ravenous Piranha..... only in Second Life! Apatia Hammerer has a wicked sense of humor and, not surprisingly, a wait-list for spots at Starlust.
If you're curious about the outfit. It's Donna by June Dion and it's clearly ruined! Moral of story = never wear fur for sub-aquatic shopping.